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Documentation (outdated)
Wonda VR Studio is our legacy product. For Spaces, please visit:
Introduction to Wonda Studio (legacy)
Introducing 360° Sequence Editing
Create and Edit Links Between Sequences
Edit Visual Annotations
Edit Text
Edit Transitions for your Elements
Edit 3D Orientation and Position
Edit element style
Edit your Audio Files
Add Audio Triggers
Advanced Interactions on User Gaze / Click
Edit a Custom Look At for a Sequence
Edit project visual assets for mobile apps and web player
Sync project online
Allow users to download your experience to view it offline in mobile apps (Premium & Educational Plans)
Manage and share multiple stages for your project (Premium & Educational Plans)
Share and access your experience via QR Code
Share your experience via Deep Link URL
Embed your experience
Share an experience on social networks
Analytics (Premium Plan)