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Register your Licence
Jean-Edouard avatar
Written by Jean-Edouard
Updated over a week ago

To register your license, copy/paste your activation key that you receive by mail after purchase in the ‘Register Your License’ section accessible from the Wonda menu. Then click on the Submit button.

You can install Wonda VR on several workstations but a License Key can be used on one computer at a time. To work on both computers, you need to deactivate your Licence Key every time you want to switch computer.

To do that, first make sure you have your Wonda VR registration key. You can copy it once you go to Wonda VR > Register.

Once you make sure your activation key is saved somewhere else, click on the « Unregister this computer » button to remove the Wonda VR license from the computer Wonda VR is now installed on.

N.B: In order for all this to work, you need to be connected to the internet.

N.B 2: Transferring your license will not transfer your project folders. You need to copy/paste the projects from your Documents/WondaVR folder of the old computer to the new one.

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