Edit Text
Jean-Edouard avatar
Written by Jean-Edouard
Updated over a week ago

Add a Text :

To add a text to your sequence, drag and drop a Text Object from the media library. A text element will be created on the timeline as well as a text area on the scene.

Edit a Text :

To edit your text, double click on the text on the scene, timeline or in the Text Properties panel. A pop up window allows you to edit your text with the basics text editor features (format, color, justification…).

Change Default Text Styles & Fonts:

Wonda VR allows you to define custom text styles. Double click on your text element on the timeline or on the scene, and the Text Properties window appears in the upper right corner. In the Text Style list, you can choose a style and edit this style by clicking on the pen icon. You can also edit the text style from the third panel of the medialibrary.

A text style includes: font, size, letter case, color, transparency, justification and interlining.

Edit these styles within the Design section of the Project Preferences. 

Imports New Fonts (Not available in the Free Plan):

Wonda VR offers a list of royalty free fonts. You can add your own ttf fonts by dragging them into the Fonts window in the project settings. Once you have done it, your new font will be available for use from within the text editor.

N.B: If the font you’ve just imported doesn’t appear in the dropdown list of fonts, try to close and open the project preferences panel.

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