Create a new 360° Sequence
Jean-Edouard avatar
Written by Jean-Edouard
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to create a 360° sequence:

  • Drag a “spherical” media from the medialibrary onto the Storyboard. The sequence will be automatically created.

  • Drag a “spherical” media from the finder onto the Storyboard. In this case, the confirmation message will show up and the sequence will be automatically created.

The sequence is automatically created with the media name and with the media embedded.

Change the Start Up Sequence

How to define the start up sequence

By default, your project's main sequence (the one your project starts with when published) is the first sequence you have created. It is marked with a red icon on its thumbnail.

To define a new main sequence, right click on the chosen sequence and select “Set as start up sequence”.

A red icon should now appear on the selected sequence and when you publish your project. It will start playing with this sequence.

NB: Free users can only create 5 sequences.

Change the background of the sequence

You can easily change the source of the media in the editor. Click on the pen in the source section of the media’s properties panel. This way you can keep your annotation and interactions already setup in your sequence.

NB: Note that if the pen icon does not show up in the property panel, just click on the location where it should be and you will see that a drop down menu will still appear.

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